Bundeth Em
Bandeth Em
Artist and art teacher
Bandeth Em, He Was born on 08- 02- 1991. He was a graduate of high school in 2012 at Angkor high school in Siem Reap province. He is an enthusiastic leader who hopes to merge his passion for the visual arts and his growing interest in science. With support from the Japanese teachers at the SAS. One year later, since 2014 he studied Electrical and Electronic Engineer at Build Bright University in Siem Reap. He has been learned duration five years. He graduated Bachelor’s degree. And He is currently an assistant art teacher at the SAS.
His favorite in his free time, reading the book, create artwork, and do some research.
The goal in the future, he wants to be a famous artist, also want to become a scientist.
His big goal as an artist is, He wants to connect between art science and human society.