There is Angkor Krau village about 40 minutes drive from Siem Reap city where the community center is located. The place name Angkor Krau means “outside Angkor Wat”. We leave our school at 8:00 and teach art from 9:00 to 10:30. The community center is open, airy buildings without walls. The students range from about 2 years old to about 10 years old, about 25-50 children. Some of them bring their little brothers and sisters, and they draw while doing baby-sitting. The little children are not crying near their brothers and sisters, and there is no noise and they are waiting until the class is over. However, unfortunately, at the age of 15 or 16, many children have to help with housework and field work as home workers, and many children are unable to come to art lesson.
During the lesson hours, ice cream vendor comes around the village and children have a small break. The little ones who are taken by the older sister also eat deliciously, and when these little ones become a little bigger, they naturally draw pictures.